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Top 10 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Did you know drinking coffee every day can do more than boost your energy? Coffee is a delicious drink enjoyed by millions of people around the world. But beyond its taste, coffee offers a surprising number of health benefits. Coffee is a hidden weapon for living a better lifestyle. This caffeinated beverage helps fight off illnesses and improve brain function. As we sell the best quality coffee beans in Melbourne, we know all about this healthy drink. Let’s explore together the top 10 benefits that will encourage you to drink the right amount of coffee daily.

1. Coffee is full of nutrition and antioxidants

Coffee is a healthy drink we can have if it doesn't include all the extra sugars and creamers. Coffee has a higher antioxidant content than green tea and chocolate, two beverages recognised for their antioxidant qualities. Other beneficial components of coffee are potassium, magnesium, niacin (vitamin B3), and riboflavin (vitamin B2). Antioxidants have been linked to coffee consumption, particularly for people who follow a typical Western diet. The healthiest way of gaining maximum antioxidants and nutrition from coffee is by grinding the beans before starting preparation. You can grind fresh coffee beans every morning at home using coffee equipment. Quality coffee suppliers like Gridlock Coffee Roasters can help you with top-notch coffee equipment in Melbourne anytime and anywhere.

2. Lower risk of heart disease

Recent research indicates that drinking coffee, especially two to three cups per day, not only lowers the risk of heart disease and harmful cardiac rhythms but also lengthens one's life. Both those with and without cardiovascular illness might see these changes. The broadest analysis to date on coffee's possible connection to heart disease and mortality, according to the researchers, reassures us that coffee isn't linked to heart disease that is developing or becoming worse and may even be heart-protective.

3. Coffee and diabetes type 2

Coffee could offer some protection against type 2 diabetes. Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, have shown that coffee consumption increases the protein sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) levels in the plasma. The goal of SHBG is to regulate the biological activity of the body's sex hormones, oestrogen and testosterone, which are critical players in the onset of type 2 diabetes. One of the research study's authors, Dr. Simin Liu, claimed that there is an "inverse association" between type 2 diabetes risk and coffee intake.

4. Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer

Coffee is known to have several substances with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and other qualities that may be effective against cancer, according to Chen Yuan of Dana-Farber and Christopher Mackintosh of the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine, who co-authored the study. Higher coffee consumption has been linked to better survival in patients with stage 3 colon cancer, according to epidemiological research; however, the association between consumption of coffee and survival in patients with metastatic forms of the illness remains unknown.

5. Protects against Alzheimer's and Dementia

The neurodegenerative disease most people are most familiar with is Alzheimer's. It is the main cause of dementia globally. There is now no recognised treatment for this illness, which primarily affects those over 65.

Either way, there are a couple of things you may do that could help. Your cup of coffee, along with diet and activity, are essential variables. Why, therefore, is caffeine considered healthy for preventing dementia and Alzheimer's disease? The reason is that caffeine improves cognitive performance. Coffee and caffeine seem to be able to postpone the start of Alzheimer's disease, yet this does not seem to guarantee that you won't get dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

6. Coffee and liver disease

Caffeine digestion results in the production of a substance called paraxanthine, which inhibits the creation of the scar tissue that contributes to fibrosis. This might be beneficial in the battle against hepatitis C, alcohol-related cirrhosis, non-alcohol-related fatty liver disease, and liver cancer. Besides, Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), an uncommon inflammatory disease of the liver's bile ducts, is similarly associated with a lower likelihood of coffee use. Research conducted at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Programme in California, USA, has shown that consumption of coffee reduces the risk of cirrhosis of the liver among alcohol users by 22%.

7. Protects against cardiovascular disease

Studies suggest that moderate coffee consumption may protect the heart. Coffee consumers may be less likely to suffer from heart disease and stroke. Coffee's antioxidants support a healthy cardiovascular system by lowering inflammation and enhancing blood vessel function. A study revealed how caffeine lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. According to research, caffeine decreases blood levels of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9), which lowers low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or "bad" cholesterol.

8. Reduces the Risk of Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease is a central nervous system-affecting neurodegenerative illness. There is constant evidence linking coffee drinking to a lower incidence of Parkinson's disease. Coffee has neuroprotective benefits because of the combination of caffeine and other bioactive ingredients.

An assessment of the relationship between coffee drinking and the risk of Parkinson's disease was made by American researchers. A much-reduced incidence of Parkinson's disease is linked to increased coffee and caffeine use, according to the study's authors. For people suffering from Parkinson's disease, this is undoubtedly excellent news. Additionally, the caffeine in coffee may help people with Parkinson's disease manage their movement.

9. Guards against gout

Gout, you say? Yes, in 2024, it's still an issue, not just that ancient illness from long ago. Foods that you consume (and drink) can contribute to gout. High uric acid groups can bring on gout. Lots of meat and fish, then. Coffee's antioxidants lower insulin, and insulin reduction is known to lower uric acid levels. Another theory is that coffee competes with the enzyme in the body that breaks down purines. This has the potential to slow down the production of uric acid.

10. Curb cancer cells

Coffee drinkers have a decreased chance of developing aggressive prostate cancer. Furthermore, a recent Harvard School of Public Health study indicates that women who drank four cups of coffee in a day had a 25% lower risk of endometrial cancer than those who drank less than one cup. Additionally, studies have linked frequent coffee consumption to decreased incidence of rectal, breast, colon, and liver cancers.

Last sip

While drinking coffee has plenty of health benefits, having too much can lead to negative consequences. The benefits of coffee also can be countered by excessive consumption of sugar and cream or by drinking large amounts of it. 400 mg of caffeine is considered to be an acceptable daily intake for a healthy adult (although this quantity varies based on factors like weight). This equals four cups of coffee. When calculating how much caffeine you should consume each day, remember that coffee's caffeine level can vary significantly depending on the grind, roasting method, and brewing technique. So, go ahead and enjoy your coffee, but be sure you do it in a careful and balanced way.

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